Asset Details for: FlatEarth

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Asset Name: FlatEarth
Asset ID: 2756955548867319302
Issuer ID: 9543573878757926595
Issuer Transaction: 2756955548867319302
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of FlatEarth
Quantity: 100.00000000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 0
Trading Volume (24h): 0 BITS
Trading Volume (30d): 0 BITS
Last Trade Price: BITS
Bid Price: 0 BITS
Ask Price: 0 BITS
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date:
The use case here is simple. People who need to prove that they're a "Top 100 FlatEarther" can do it with this token. It's like a "Special" Member's Card, but it's not a card. It's a crypto. People can say that they "believe" in a Flat Earth, but who can actually prove it? Someone paying good money to own this limited asset token on the Ignis blockchain. That's who. FLATEARTH Token will undoubtedly become the official Token of the Flat Earth Society. Those people surely won't be able to say no to something as provable as this. Will they? Supply capped to just 100 tokens, it truly is very *limited* - reserved for a very special few. FlatEarth Token joins the DeFi "Stable of Coins" on Ignis. Alien approved asset tokens. 👽🛸

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Trade History for FlatEarth (0 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in BITS Total in BITS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
Total: 0 Trades 0 0
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