Asset Details for: BCDN

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: BCDN
Asset ID: 17754847741998231619
Issuer ID: 2987632880463868039
Issuer Transaction: 17754847741998231619
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of BCDN
Quantity: 300000.00000000
Decimals: 6
# of Trades: 8
Trading Volume (24h): 0 BITS
Trading Volume (30d): 0 BITS
Last Trade Price: 0.025 BITS
Bid Price: 0.025 BITS
Ask Price: 0.5 BITS
Open Bid Orders: 2
Open Ask Orders: 1
Last Trade Date: 21.06.2020 22:01:35
BCDN -Canada E Coin. A passthrough asset pertaining to services. This asset allows CDN-E coins to utilize services on the the BItswift blockchain. This asset may be converted to native CDN-E coin or exchanged for other supported passthrough assets on other blockchains though Bitswift services. This asset type "passthrough" allows native tokens or coins to traverse and utilize services on other blockchains without the need for proprietary atomic swap protocols. Asset information: Website: Market:

Buy BCDN with BITSWIFT - Open Sell Orders (1 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in BITS Total in BITS
ARDOR-C799-JCE9-PBRF-FV7CS 39.000000 0.50000000 19.50000000
Total: 1 Asks 39.0 19.5

Sell BCDN for BITSWIFT - Open Buy Orders (2 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in BITS Total in BITS
ARDOR-R5HN-YRWT-WEMS-9B6T4 9574.220000 0.02500000 239.36000000
ARDOR-DKQZ-C8AR-L8KK-CZ53A 5000.000000 0.02000000 100.00000000
Total: 2 Bids 14,574.22 339.36

Trade History for BCDN (8 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in BITS Total in BITS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
21.06.2020 22:01:35 119.780000 0.02500000 2.99000000 2d05dab0a3a8c925… 49ea685777dc4389…
11.03.2020 19:59:12 29.000000 0.02500000 0.73000000 01147e4cd82ff9c4… 49ea685777dc4389…
17.02.2020 03:20:49 21.000000 0.02500000 0.53000000 0a9bdda86c1bdcb2… 49ea685777dc4389…
05.10.2019 08:18:24 117.000000 0.02500000 2.93000000 e823cc8e1ccaaef7… 49ea685777dc4389…
08.09.2019 10:46:47 260.000000 0.10000000 26.00000000 964dd33c3c550221… bfc343cb8a1eba95…
08.03.2019 15:07:48 81.000000 0.02500000 2.02000000 ce30c30fd6d71283… 49ea685777dc4389…
13.02.2019 03:50:18 48.000000 0.02500000 1.20000000 17f533ed50dec85e… 49ea685777dc4389…
02.02.2019 19:20:15 10.000000 0.02500000 0.25000000 364ffc5198de1c23… 49ea685777dc4389…
Total: 8 Trades 685.78 36.6445
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