Last 100 accounts that own the Asset PVHistoire right now

All 5 Accounts
Account Account Name Asset Quantity Asset Value Total Account Balance
NXT-E6NX-A5T6-85HM-94MCS Plaisir & Valeur d'histoire shop 99,570.0 pcs. 1,692,690 NXT 0 NXT
NXT-ZAGM-LKGT-JUD8-DPAEY 100.0 pcs. 1,700 NXT 843 NXT
NXT-DSQP-SACK-CMLK-GN8NF 100.0 pcs. 1,700 NXT 426 NXT
NXT-2HFJ-JL5J-YWC4-7WTFJ 100.0 pcs. 1,700 NXT 12,188 NXT
NXT-TU9M-RZM6-5WUY-9LANW New DORCS 100.0 pcs. 1,700 NXT 0 NXT
5 Accounts