Asset Details for: NXTgenMine

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: NXTgenMine
Asset ID: 479974852053774962
Issuer ID: 7553287485163962287
Issuer Transaction: 479974852053774962
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of NXTgenMine
Quantity: 1,000,000,000
Decimals: 2
# of Trades: 17
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 15.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date: 28.11.2014 13:39:49
Each NXTgenMine is a virtual token representing 1 qASIC share on LTCgear. This asset was created to give NXTers the chance to own qASIC shares without having to buy in large quantities, pay high prices or lose a large chunk of mining income to fees. NXTgenMine tokens are not stocks, bonds or any other kind of financial instrument or security. Investors are expected to perform due diligence. Forum page:

Sell NXTgenMine for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy NXTgenMine with NXT - Open Sell Orders (0 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Asks 0 0

Trade History for NXTgenMine (17 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
28.11.2014 13:39:49 80.0 15.0 1200.0 14630182468042547303 13486617134468326447
23.11.2014 04:27:47 20.0 15.0 300.0 14630182468042547303 15372805443802939481
28.10.2014 10:00:23 29.0 25.0 725.0 6945822959367690463 7606039772579161280
10.10.2014 11:29:02 1.0 25.0 25.0 5905452338265378757 8876772269570236762
10.10.2014 10:02:58 233.0 27.385 6380.7 14558315167490487695 15333402076466433433
10.10.2014 08:05:52 100.0 27.385 2738.5 14558315167490487695 4089146385121387428
10.10.2014 07:58:39 600.0 27.385 16431.0 14558315167490487695 13680484275683669555
07.10.2014 02:55:05 100.0 27.385 2738.5 14558315167490487695 5905382288899071324
06.10.2014 14:24:04 44.0 27.385 1204.94 14558315167490487695 9301764456613009236
06.10.2014 14:01:35 8.0 27.385 219.08 14558315167490487695 7660662219657193257
05.10.2014 19:55:13 20.0 27.385 547.7 14558315167490487695 11279656681276042028
05.10.2014 10:36:04 100.0 27.385 2738.5 14558315167490487695 14951835501347767225
05.10.2014 09:32:05 164.0 27.385 4491.14 14558315167490487695 3765317154886900127
05.10.2014 09:29:13 170.0 27.385 4655.45 14558315167490487695 7173508754199854542
02.10.2014 22:51:38 1.0 23.72 23.72 16331929028218448599 12719187825717769864
02.10.2014 21:24:17 52.0 23.72 1233.44 16331929028218448599 10768503667091644228
01.10.2014 12:12:10 8.0 25.0 200.0 17421466152634199503 10822148310180210847
Total: Trades 1,730.0 45,852.675
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