Asset Details for: LIQUID

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: LIQUID
Asset ID: 4630752101777892988
Issuer ID: 13408813046948266949
Issuer Transaction: 4630752101777892988
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of LIQUID
Quantity: 118,924
Decimals: 2
# of Trades: 1,981
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 1.2 NXT
Bid Price: 1.2 NXT
Ask Price: 99.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 3
Open Ask Orders: 5
Last Trade Date: 13.07.2024 12:27:01
Liquid Technologies implements custom software solutions for trading cryptocurrency markets. Please see for more details. LIQUID ASSETS are bearer assets issued via a digitally signed certificate on the NXT AE. The issuer maintains no records of who owns the assets. Ownership is transferred by transferring the digital certificate representing a particular asset. Whoever can demonstrate ownership of the private-key securing the certificate is presumed to own the asset.

Sell LIQUID for NXT - Open Buy Orders (3 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-V9HG-HQ5F-YTFK-BEYC2 13.03 1.2 15.64
NXT-3A5V-H9AY-MFBX-CNAKB 25.0 1.1 27.5
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 10.0 0.1 1.0
Total: Bids 2.4 44.14

Buy LIQUID with NXT - Open Sell Orders (5 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-PSDF-QZ22-QEET-HQ4UZ 50.0 99.0 4950.0
NXT-YE9U-S8FK-LWWR-3M7GN 0.22 150.0 33.0
NXT-89LJ-6LNC-CJ7U-839JF 0.01 198.0 1.98
NXT-6NQ2-6NYN-VMQL-4HLMH 0.01 198.0 1.98
NXT-EHN5-UGCK-GRGZ-86T9D 15.6 248.9 3882.84
Total: Asks 893.9 8,869.8

Trade History for LIQUID (1981 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
13.07.2024 12:27:01 0.01 1.2 0.01 8716657561903113689 12207656290178262726
12.12.2021 08:09:27 50.0 99.0 4950.0 18390445646725790841 13051419785111116940
13.01.2020 12:14:57 1.0 1.2 1.2 1495863446126685737 12207656290178262726
04.08.2019 17:34:40 55.75 1.2 66.9 8593064898922823808 12207656290178262726
30.01.2018 02:23:24 0.01 1.2 0.01 2548989552116265821 12207656290178262726
30.01.2018 02:09:11 0.02 1.2 0.02 17133973525348734006 12207656290178262726
13.01.2018 15:29:40 0.17 1.2 0.2 17879267708868414220 12207656290178262726
02.01.2018 18:19:08 0.01 1.2 0.01 3222258635638449580 12207656290178262726
13.12.2017 18:10:48 0.01 1.3 0.01 7077020945338036285 8688344837941594526
10.12.2017 06:08:19 5.0 1.3 6.5 3550683035640774937 8688344837941594526
04.12.2017 01:25:16 0.65 1.3 0.84 10714673332398212862 8688344837941594526
02.12.2017 03:25:20 0.03 1.3 0.04 4015960271644279908 8688344837941594526
30.11.2017 18:46:32 1.0 1.3 1.3 983357577056230799 8688344837941594526
12.11.2017 03:31:18 0.01 1.3 0.01 9133449670992150425 8688344837941594526
13.08.2017 05:59:04 2.0 1.3 2.6 4550893895702112749 8688344837941594526
21.06.2017 09:19:38 0.01 1.3 0.01 13960501966927232792 8688344837941594526
20.05.2017 07:32:27 9.23 1.3 12.0 3113863846650667062 8688344837941594526
15.05.2017 04:24:19 0.2 1.3 0.26 14208452286664517459 8688344837941594526
07.05.2017 15:25:57 0.01 1.3 0.01 2560593118526426183 8688344837941594526
25.04.2017 21:27:13 0.01 1.3 0.01 16902247202119318730 8688344837941594526
29.03.2017 04:44:48 7.01 1.3 9.11 2906293640760948704 8688344837941594526
18.03.2017 02:43:47 0.01 1.3 0.01 2635276209222618323 8688344837941594526
12.03.2017 14:29:33 1.0 1.3 1.3 10893911654074576470 8688344837941594526
22.02.2017 12:29:29 0.01 1.3 0.01 7059105493763660395 8688344837941594526
29.01.2017 01:19:10 0.02 1.3 0.03 11243315408388958780 8688344837941594526
19.01.2017 03:10:07 13.01 1.3 16.91 9383954444896184259 8688344837941594526
17.01.2017 01:23:32 1.0 199.0 199.0 1691255667046050582 744655501585697247
26.12.2016 10:51:18 98.61 1.3 128.19 15198996087459124841 8688344837941594526
26.11.2016 17:45:55 20.01 1.3 26.01 13840917059220169658 8688344837941594526
20.11.2016 17:22:01 0.01 1.3 0.01 9229836081915092228 8688344837941594526
14.11.2016 20:48:58 2.0 199.0 398.0 2761851463477000152 4188341599366421532
04.11.2016 08:41:00 11.0 1.3 14.3 15213112644196790640 8688344837941594526
19.10.2016 13:52:48 10.0 248.9 2489.0 283850567500645527 15723437556619495127
17.10.2016 14:51:54 0.01 1.3 0.01 1091652902688855023 8688344837941594526
05.10.2016 04:01:40 0.59 4.0 2.36 9821185087893158336 14716375884836664099
23.09.2016 12:36:51 0.1 248.9 24.89 283850567500645527 18431535218426499165
27.08.2016 18:20:54 1.4 4.0 5.6 16288348661401170503 14716375884836664099
15.08.2016 06:15:50 1.0 100.0 100.0 2924972300468616219 15962119238812205959
14.08.2016 16:27:54 1.5 100.0 150.0 2924972300468616219 14258751788595894205
11.08.2016 13:26:48 0.16 15.0001 2.4 2491634482463182473 3007355839363816459
08.08.2016 01:16:25 1.0 15.0001 15.0 12316892432907504393 3007355839363816459
02.08.2016 10:48:51 0.16 15.0001 2.4 12050192198724963191 3007355839363816459
24.07.2016 09:54:59 1.0 15.0 15.0 377350643235711201 8165227021729317657
16.07.2016 01:55:01 0.01 15.0 0.15 4596277620791028008 8165227021729317657
05.07.2016 23:05:29 0.01 15.0 0.15 16990031458192666220 8165227021729317657
03.07.2016 04:57:09 0.11 15.0 1.65 11618781690926535195 8165227021729317657
28.06.2016 23:08:40 0.3 15.0 4.5 15975751247548366200 8165227021729317657
28.06.2016 13:40:23 10.0 15.0 150.0 3298160904136579696 8165227021729317657
28.06.2016 07:57:59 3.62 15.0 54.3 12296899271944325615 8165227021729317657
20.06.2016 15:00:11 0.01 15.0 0.15 17586478778582668347 8165227021729317657
15.06.2016 21:49:42 4.4 263.0 1157.2 357666360850234730 11728394949459524250
15.06.2016 21:49:42 4.6 265.0 1219.0 9991052785845800354 10649549911698467656
15.06.2016 21:47:32 1.63 250.0 407.5 4466932913514113157 5000295133737594606
14.06.2016 21:08:13 0.01 15.0 0.15 4838798121181601786 8165227021729317657
28.05.2016 22:25:06 0.01 50.0 0.5 597567932843400847 10072288617569144174
20.05.2016 03:57:04 2.0 50.0 100.0 8828513464148854213 10072288617569144174
30.04.2016 18:36:32 5.0 50.0 250.0 10457241390729960269 10072288617569144174
18.04.2016 03:30:35 0.22 50.0 11.0 250784510498146704 10072288617569144174
14.04.2016 02:34:27 0.01 50.0 0.5 5784518459786285682 10072288617569144174
13.04.2016 18:47:35 0.01 50.0 0.5 14334940153914988815 10072288617569144174
28.03.2016 21:11:13 0.2 50.0 10.0 8367744551187075624 10072288617569144174
27.03.2016 07:37:03 1.3 50.0 65.0 824077188719517752 10072288617569144174
27.03.2016 06:39:21 0.3 250.0 75.0 8044221592362554136 9740818777075459631
27.03.2016 06:39:21 1.0 280.0 280.0 2544700945812710800 9740818777075459631
27.03.2016 00:11:23 0.01 50.0 0.5 15984883552300946689 10072288617569144174
18.03.2016 10:04:54 0.01 50.0 0.5 17412072973838961921 10072288617569144174
14.03.2016 17:52:01 0.01 50.0 0.5 17259155531866607053 10072288617569144174
13.03.2016 23:06:38 34.5 50.0 1725.0 9243936076094173204 10072288617569144174
10.03.2016 13:32:15 0.2 200.0 40.0 17416301783573271072 6947257375942435409
08.03.2016 21:36:45 0.01 200.0 2.0 11311528651148940021 6947257375942435409
07.03.2016 05:58:21 0.14 200.0 28.0 3489532052205643909 6947257375942435409
07.03.2016 03:18:57 1.57 200.0 314.0 11964414563658613909 6947257375942435409
06.03.2016 19:17:28 3.0 200.0 600.0 17822311174039715928 6947257375942435409
06.03.2016 17:35:06 1.89 200.0 378.0 15147008614043920237 6947257375942435409
05.03.2016 22:09:38 0.03 200.0 6.0 3743436561369919330 6947257375942435409
02.03.2016 17:22:48 4.0 200.0 800.0 11477039809338253273 6947257375942435409
01.03.2016 15:35:52 2.0 200.0 400.0 13536450382456064143 6947257375942435409
28.02.2016 20:16:59 0.01 100.0 1.0 12173111410066744367 10425692122165503763
28.02.2016 11:16:36 9.0 100.0 900.0 13831526704034912685 10425692122165503763
25.02.2016 06:36:41 10.0 100.0 1000.0 14191146969948016421 5766230114938600738
24.02.2016 07:57:07 0.01 100.0 1.0 17745345850174010546 5766230114938600738
21.02.2016 21:00:24 5.0 100.0 500.0 792470177010424307 5766230114938600738
21.02.2016 20:57:12 20.61 100.0 2061.0 481990389469811649 5766230114938600738
16.02.2016 17:33:12 0.98 101.22 99.2 4964429663590353299 16685537247422198631
15.02.2016 18:13:12 6.0 100.0 600.0 18225919740343031878 17601406584253030513
13.02.2016 23:32:54 0.02 200.000001 4.0 15202002969589545503 12854354944218300688
13.02.2016 13:36:12 0.43 200.000001 86.0 1194075751898530440 12854354944218300688
13.02.2016 07:18:10 0.68 200.000001 136.0 12088873949488960976 12854354944218300688
11.02.2016 02:48:57 0.01 200.000001 2.0 541741605264956803 12854354944218300688
09.02.2016 09:50:45 0.39 200.000001 78.0 10416805467350681066 12854354944218300688
09.02.2016 03:57:00 6.0 200.000001 1200.0 1550102592557493867 12854354944218300688
06.02.2016 13:56:40 17.48 200.0 3496.0 3270432273033312175 2687457540172064593
06.02.2016 05:00:42 13.82 200.000001 2764.0 3270432273033312175 6833766970626863135
06.02.2016 05:00:42 8.7 200.0 1740.0 3270432273033312175 3862665048487770885
04.02.2016 07:50:46 21.0 200.000001 4200.0 11469749374017257923 6833766970626863135
02.02.2016 03:55:10 0.5 200.0 100.0 4181101562735766074 3862665048487770885
02.02.2016 03:33:15 0.5 249.0 124.5 14918767698925518296 1782954247668515553
01.02.2016 20:27:28 0.21 190.0 39.9 12233326672327735212 3862665048487770885
01.02.2016 20:27:28 2.57 195.0 501.15 8392964509452637239 3862665048487770885
01.02.2016 20:27:28 18.02 198.0 3567.96 7906381166704186282 3862665048487770885
Total: Trades 63,693.65 10,700,228.83065715
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