Asset Details for: ShortBTC

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: ShortBTC
Asset ID: 3787581779795626420
Issuer ID: 12341260929898840398
Issuer Transaction: 3787581779795626420
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of ShortBTC
Quantity: 100,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 25
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 154.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date: 30.10.2014 22:34:39
This a synthetic shorting product for the price of Bitcoin. If BTC/USD goes down, ShortBTC goes up (and vice versa). Initial Price: 100 NXT ShortBTC aims to generate a daily percentage gain inverse to that of BTC/USD. Issuer will support price target with orders on the Asset Exchange. ShortBTC Target Price equals the most recent ShortBTC Daily Reference Price minus the percentage change in BTC/USD from the most recent BTC Daily Reference Price. ShortBTC Daily Reference Price is set daily at or around 10 am ET to current ShortBTC Target Price. BTC Daily Reference Price is a weighted average as reported at or comparable substitute, at issuer's discretion, at or around 10 am ET. Issuer will maintain price support on a best effort basis and makes no assurances of timeliness or accurate calculation or reporting of involved prices. More details at

Sell ShortBTC for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy ShortBTC with NXT - Open Sell Orders (0 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Asks 0 0

Trade History for ShortBTC (25 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
30.10.2014 22:34:39 1.0 154.0 154.0 12438724598681531699 6631275889254970993
07.10.2014 23:48:18 11.0 158.0 1738.0 5953078531073957740 7460294135207657373
30.09.2014 00:10:02 50.0 139.0 6950.0 15742959676886743312 2300743058475421737
24.09.2014 22:00:29 50.0 125.0 6250.0 1950999527105694842 5330558189611734017
24.09.2014 03:27:42 50.0 121.0 6050.0 15579217643442930315 105359157792751295
22.09.2014 21:56:15 50.0 130.0 6500.0 8053593600705284027 299518185176148942
21.09.2014 19:00:55 72.0 133.0 9576.0 4717269004665056048 4844056290760751867
18.09.2014 20:42:54 83.0 127.0 10541.0 10995967898573678973 11020780965970721246
18.09.2014 03:01:36 50.0 125.0 6250.0 3080359797596665246 16576635751133990427
18.09.2014 02:26:07 100.0 125.0 12500.0 3080359797596665246 9040897980854628906
08.09.2014 22:51:08 28.0 115.0 3220.0 17484132873931160382 16021366507226301909
08.09.2014 18:20:39 28.0 115.0 3220.0 4313187982387291547 16962816958323094400
11.07.2014 21:29:53 70.0 90.0 6300.0 1769708346739760115 15902926923393199376
11.07.2014 17:23:49 2.0 90.0 180.0 15111947297936035905 2832256509696629318
11.07.2014 03:30:49 1.0 92.0 92.0 14531120844668947532 360696521439097302
10.07.2014 19:55:10 20.0 92.0 1840.0 2162003230520583403 1562619367802822931
07.07.2014 18:10:05 50.0 90.0 4500.0 16633731913773697557 15235487434243428880
06.07.2014 15:32:19 40.0 88.5 3540.0 5762078682456474919 825025719710145100
04.07.2014 18:37:27 10.0 89.0 890.0 3543613611982556691 12378130133425596955
04.07.2014 03:04:28 10.0 88.0 880.0 14943097322280348679 14119534101069101112
04.07.2014 03:04:28 20.0 88.0 1760.0 14943097322280348679 10372033911389399611
01.07.2014 20:26:39 2.0 86.0 172.0 4565976225718118604 723780015428815554
27.06.2014 15:52:06 3.0 97.5 292.5 5238565702517407125 13363815063241684098
26.06.2014 12:14:00 2.0 101.0 202.0 18297209384824041989 2418071446416540235
25.06.2014 22:33:53 3.0 100.0 300.0 11892474453939051689 10236540594950995018
Total: Trades 806.0 93,897.5
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