Asset Details for: ShortBTCD

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: ShortBTCD
Asset ID: 3267494002243225342
Issuer ID: 12341260929898840398
Issuer Transaction: 3267494002243225342
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of ShortBTCD
Quantity: 1,000,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 40
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 80.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 115.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 1
Last Trade Date: 23.12.2014 22:22:18
This a synthetic shorting product for the price of BitcoinDark (BTCD). If the Bitcoin-denominated price of BTCD (BTCD/BTC) goes down, ShortBTCD goes up (and vice versa). Initial Price: 100 NXT. ShortBTCD aims to generate a daily percentage gain inverse to that of BTCD/BTC. Issuer will support ShortBTCD Target Price with orders on the Asset Exchange. ShortBTCD Target Price equals the most recent ShortBTCD Daily Reference Price minus the percentage change in BTCD/BTC from the most recent BTCD Daily Reference Price. ShortBTCD Daily Reference Price is set daily at or around 10 am ET to current ShortBTCD Target Price. BTCD Daily Reference Price is a weighted average as reported at or comparable substitute, at issuer's discretion, at or around 10 am ET. Issuer will maintain price support on a best effort basis and makes no assurances of timeliness or accurate calculation or reporting of involved prices. More details at

Sell ShortBTCD for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy ShortBTCD with NXT - Open Sell Orders (1 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-YJT9-5J2E-X6WB-938L7 3.0 115.0 345.0
Total: Asks 115.0 345.0

Trade History for ShortBTCD (40 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
23.12.2014 22:22:18 30.0 80.0 2400.0 5294207816854867022 16045331825879442863
23.12.2014 06:44:26 10.0 80.0 800.0 5294207816854867022 4156586746376890882
20.11.2014 02:53:22 60.0 110.0 6600.0 6371447359438646243 14927672580766590392
16.11.2014 02:28:23 16.0 108.0 1728.0 4298563295587888915 9837533049881690738
12.11.2014 21:10:59 9.0 94.0 846.0 2739100977762154983 12375121710145554686
13.10.2014 04:06:40 24.0 92.0 2208.0 13679831245706194193 12168153986292194904
06.10.2014 04:29:09 1.0 75.0 75.0 1805653338409424174 13947320468887815901
05.10.2014 04:23:21 1.0 68.99 68.99 16609315070081282461 11858467622707943074
03.10.2014 06:24:18 10.0 68.0 680.0 6224919851333444897 4282261579331680231
29.09.2014 22:39:47 202.0 61.0 12322.0 6962127157571369347 3522109473066811026
24.09.2014 03:06:45 25.0 61.0 1525.0 6419221309203161389 17791739623695880940
21.09.2014 18:22:10 100.0 62.0 6200.0 9934888064573448451 17383034575178439667
16.09.2014 18:47:26 200.0 72.0 14400.0 15387916755300262158 8439317494461559212
10.09.2014 22:57:40 200.0 63.0 12600.0 1575459376506066844 16942515222324469857
08.09.2014 04:54:22 5.0 58.0 290.0 12268682418568654738 11542617154530091842
06.09.2014 22:32:42 350.0 52.0 18200.0 17141534305017887045 3826398323670581030
06.09.2014 09:05:55 8.0 70.0 560.0 15207197098308040641 18220318042253855703
06.09.2014 04:57:30 350.0 59.0 20650.0 8242075247343607905 9240681653403304604
05.09.2014 18:16:34 5.0 80.0 400.0 15864926627788039010 13236030813118376377
05.09.2014 06:08:19 12.0 79.0 948.0 3547025635636139371 11262347318957015565
05.09.2014 02:30:11 180.0 81.0 14580.0 15127139854637678441 11833978799234725120
05.09.2014 02:12:30 22.0 81.0 1782.0 15127139854637678441 12339239863404236830
01.09.2014 20:35:43 12.0 83.0 996.0 14971651288727944939 12360939351753458267
01.09.2014 20:33:27 2.0 83.0 166.0 18374081619687427584 12360939351753458267
31.08.2014 21:17:14 300.0 75.0 22500.0 12417528863128156278 16807675563885711291
31.08.2014 20:43:01 2.0 82.0 164.0 1427206457087656127 1341145132063967648
31.08.2014 18:17:33 1.0 94.0 94.0 11641598068643327216 16348557761527395870
31.08.2014 01:10:47 100.0 99.0 9900.0 12973116365404302378 14141739380217602971
30.08.2014 20:11:59 1.0 97.0 97.0 12279979548259322974 6137767707545489143
28.08.2014 05:08:37 300.0 95.0 28500.0 16851250830316937517 17712067824445891784
28.08.2014 04:59:22 32.0 96.0 3072.0 11919351524256710285 14610026593645634900
28.08.2014 04:59:22 15.0 97.0 1455.0 11919351524256710285 3910015113161050005
28.08.2014 04:56:38 15.0 99.0 1485.0 15843378390919843115 6765069532428003476
28.08.2014 03:36:47 1.0 100.0 100.0 15177074188571212786 17071114949880494879
27.08.2014 22:32:57 1000.0 94.0 94000.0 6763484593212345231 16895004234666813948
27.08.2014 22:13:56 40.0 95.0 3800.0 15219064217110837274 258109266217466602
27.08.2014 20:55:00 1000.0 96.0 96000.0 1355046104786747639 16936673671187189803
27.08.2014 08:56:40 12.0 106.0 1272.0 6417369005368743966 16569320994351367301
26.08.2014 23:26:31 1.0 100.0 100.0 2116030041718856778 18374920203270233000
26.08.2014 22:10:56 350.0 101.0 35350.0 17191372214465870686 13701979223709821791
Total: Trades 5,004.0 418,913.99
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