Asset Details for: BGCAFFE [closed]

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: BGCAFFE
Asset ID: 2978798152942226372
Issuer ID: 6312613347623600535
Issuer Transaction: 2978798152942226372
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of BGCAFFE
Quantity: 9,999,998
Decimals: 1
# of Trades: 948
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.1 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 5.1 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 8
Last Trade Date: 15.12.2018 19:31:07
The first Buongiorno Caffe opened November 2013 in Pretoria, South Africa. We are committed to providing high quality food for our customers in a sustainable way, doing our best to improve both their well-being and the planet we all live on. Part of this journey is sourcing the best possible ingredients from local producers, ensuring our staff are part of the business and benefit from their energy and creativity and most importantly building a better community. We would love you all to become part of our community and listing on NextCoin AE is the first step in that direction. Lets take this exciting step together and see where our journey takes us :) Please see Buongiorno Caffe's website for more detail: SPECIAL THANKS! The team at Buongiorno Caffe would like to send a heartfelt thanks to the NextCoin developers and community for working so hard to bring the amazing possibilities of crypto currencies into the hands of the people!

Sell BGCAFFE for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy BGCAFFE with NXT - Open Sell Orders (8 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-DJ7T-8AF7-J849-HWVCC 74.1 5.1 377.91
NXT-V35S-6QQE-B6XH-6LPUR 4.0 5.5 22.0
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 100.0 20.0 2000.0
NXT-WEHA-2YK2-3USS-8WZ3H 2500.0 50.0 125000.0
NXT-X2ER-EMGR-E3LG-7AR8H 453.4 80.0 36272.0
NXT-ECBU-G3RB-W4HN-DD75D 1000.0 85.0 85000.0
NXT-ECBU-G3RB-W4HN-DD75D 1000.0 90.0 90000.0
NXT-ECBU-G3RB-W4HN-DD75D 1000.0 95.0 95000.0
Total: Asks 430.6 433,671.91

Trade History for BGCAFFE (948 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
15.12.2018 19:31:07 15.0 0.1 1.5 5425924176052989506 11194575188672132538
19.11.2018 20:02:37 0.1 0.1 0.01 16230805019882110294 11194575188672132538
13.04.2018 01:57:21 275.0 2.0 550.0 3907855969180694012 3450238003282675777
07.04.2018 21:25:37 9725.0 2.0 19450.0 13798347956444012116 3450238003282675777
07.03.2018 18:55:37 58.8 2.2 129.36 10168472561235073232 16914619500059098268
07.03.2018 18:55:37 23.8 2.0 47.6 11351039109348741272 16914619500059098268
07.03.2018 18:42:21 11.6 1.9 22.04 10155991492272690640 2772272360246126950
07.03.2018 18:42:21 47.2 2.0 94.4 11351039109348741272 2772272360246126950
04.03.2018 02:49:33 100.0 0.1 10.0 4793991820216820454 7988377926777682202
26.12.2017 23:05:07 50.0 0.1 5.0 10071437149697127421 8652863993530459780
13.12.2017 17:37:04 10.0 0.11 1.1 3771161408993460791 16046984706784650942
10.12.2017 06:15:20 104.0 0.11 11.44 523501951287246564 16046984706784650942
09.12.2017 01:45:49 10.0 0.11 1.1 13242465470206673262 16046984706784650942
30.11.2017 22:30:49 0.1 0.11 0.01 5738364305746732026 16046984706784650942
24.11.2017 01:46:10 150.0 0.11 16.5 103963892815856047 16046984706784650942
23.11.2017 04:16:58 50.0 1.1 55.0 5236018175529524416 9225813501091365862
22.11.2017 00:54:38 40.0 1.1 44.0 4469560359738176389 9225813501091365862
22.10.2017 16:06:51 10.0 1.1 11.0 17008278616947618767 9225813501091365862
26.08.2017 09:37:49 29.0 2.0 58.0 11351039109348741272 13339471144268431952
06.08.2017 00:26:18 14.0 2.0 28.0 5147200831418690627 13339471144268431952
01.08.2017 15:36:26 26.0 2.0 52.0 17127228823816666562 13339471144268431952
30.07.2017 11:04:40 49.0 2.2 107.8 10168472561235073232 10459449671561629566
30.07.2017 11:04:40 31.0 2.0 62.0 1604494432780535700 13339471144268431952
07.07.2017 19:56:42 40.0 5.1 204.0 2202073347347613056 19110531914230276
15.06.2017 01:08:32 1.0 2.2 2.2 2918250087612289443 10459449671561629566
10.06.2017 05:04:22 200.0 2.2 440.0 3816233191565943877 10459449671561629566
08.06.2017 03:59:40 33.9 5.1 172.89 2202073347347613056 16410563501126632794
05.06.2017 21:14:53 1.0 5.1 5.1 13239906300364036147 16410563501126632794
28.05.2017 19:09:51 15.0 5.1 76.5 1868225212272695001 16410563501126632794
16.05.2017 22:55:48 0.1 5.1 0.51 18094944921231603567 16410563501126632794
15.05.2017 07:16:37 150.0 5.1 765.0 7735580261291485450 16410563501126632794
09.05.2017 12:18:14 1.0 5.5 5.5 415111879112831740 16156906841885617409
06.05.2017 01:03:09 106.9 20.0 2138.0 4575774587918558992 5110707269584639186
06.05.2017 01:03:09 1.0 20.0 20.0 4575774587918558992 17166701550402857404
15.04.2017 09:48:08 123.0 20.0 2460.0 12844547588568796532 5110707269584639186
15.04.2017 09:48:08 29.0 21.0 609.0 12844547588568796532 17069274174557974329
03.04.2017 05:31:48 111.2 30.0 3336.0 9107588310426716338 8359202573003757734
01.04.2017 23:55:23 0.1 30.0 3.0 13500966716417033108 8359202573003757734
29.03.2017 04:44:48 25.0 30.0 750.0 3947023211096876217 8359202573003757734
11.03.2017 20:51:46 275.0 45.0 12375.0 17025174550153419189 908220463592935854
11.03.2017 16:52:29 225.0 45.0 10125.0 9794117632728973687 908220463592935854
11.03.2017 16:05:30 63.7 30.0 1911.0 14716835147029933671 8359202573003757734
06.03.2017 07:48:29 1.0 20.0 20.0 4060237458155827202 5110707269584639186
05.03.2017 19:02:51 11.0 20.0 220.0 9972897470696310529 5110707269584639186
26.02.2017 02:19:11 290.0 20.0 5800.0 14177245954421275617 5110707269584639186
26.02.2017 00:14:20 22.0 20.0 440.0 14983851178638090187 5110707269584639186
22.02.2017 03:26:11 250.0 20.0 5000.0 14522255537312454243 5110707269584639186
21.02.2017 03:51:44 1952.1 20.0 39042.0 4101959171681746650 5110707269584639186
20.02.2017 17:25:47 215.0 28.0 6020.0 7472123603868713640 632396599824622851
20.02.2017 16:48:05 1750.0 20.0 35000.0 15979512747443320148 5110707269584639186
20.02.2017 15:07:27 494.0 20.0 9880.0 17525345722025318034 5110707269584639186
18.02.2017 20:36:35 500.0 20.0 10000.0 1240741664902925585 5058227518730933576
18.02.2017 20:02:24 100.0 20.0 2000.0 13932976888929362292 5058227518730933576
18.02.2017 20:00:11 100.0 12.0 1200.0 2693623470195937644 16894840707865602266
28.01.2017 16:03:27 61.0 8.0 488.0 8746412921868412545 7840412583304215729
09.01.2017 00:18:13 150.0 2.1 315.0 10375355978350859620 15806690479621299512
03.01.2017 02:59:28 171.0 9.0 1539.0 1789524365061183670 9834885637769679903
29.12.2016 14:34:04 22.0 9.0 198.0 1789524365061183670 1047227878862966310
28.12.2016 23:58:50 37.0 9.0 333.0 1789524365061183670 767078255004441625
04.12.2016 20:13:01 10.0 1.11 11.1 3457574535199646320 8629969243229948341
29.11.2016 02:40:28 18.0 9.0 162.0 1789524365061183670 17635814602866243850
21.11.2016 23:40:26 60.0 1.0 60.0 3166846799454512550 11881448923681168670
09.11.2016 20:33:16 2.0 9.0 18.0 1789524365061183670 18025923648638420626
02.11.2016 20:29:42 250.0 0.3 75.0 9287647245696862726 7236277366694793769
18.10.2016 05:46:36 45.0 15.0 675.0 17522953791648997160 252040527218683898
14.10.2016 22:57:39 574.1 10.0 5741.0 2003811400681933383 2601075865533525124
12.10.2016 05:55:43 5.0 15.0 75.0 17522953791648997160 4187229437287493714
06.10.2016 18:38:14 100.0 10.0 1000.0 1049468685931276128 1300260393171365451
06.10.2016 16:26:52 55.0 5.0 275.0 8383507923960955665 7890611189371351619
06.10.2016 16:24:33 188.0 4.99 938.12 2767504238368242334 12617927392078962583
03.10.2016 21:05:38 20.0 1.11 22.2 17714176611961492188 8017100668367968417
02.10.2016 21:18:40 45.7 0.1 4.57 15773269068982137970 8652863993530459780
02.10.2016 21:18:40 458.3 1.1 504.13 15773269068982137970 7193495361891190448
02.10.2016 21:18:40 100.0 1.0 100.0 15773269068982137970 5393819650020763658
02.10.2016 15:32:30 100.0 1.11 111.0 17714176611961492188 1805220826233210616
25.09.2016 16:29:36 100.0 1.21 121.0 11294226736284410503 7202376860390402436
25.09.2016 16:29:36 108.0 1.11 119.88 11294226736284410503 6456520339810048068
25.09.2016 16:29:36 41.7 1.1 45.87 11294226736284410503 7193495361891190448
25.09.2016 08:57:22 5.0 4.0 20.0 16201328832282001121 3073173593320014319
25.09.2016 08:57:22 30.0 3.1 93.0 16201328832282001121 7898480930465054338
25.09.2016 08:57:22 35.0 4.1 143.5 16201328832282001121 2406843215457117463
25.09.2016 08:57:22 0.4 10.0 4.0 16201328832282001121 8344692528228052859
16.09.2016 00:37:22 9.6 10.0 96.0 15619180897535010052 8344692528228052859
11.09.2016 22:26:18 4.0 29.0 116.0 10658530258906223374 6767670103941981545
04.09.2016 02:03:35 19.4 5.0 97.0 9684264155966806882 15164675815214754172
03.09.2016 21:49:26 10.0 6.0 60.0 1824562892885333306 18192527616606769433
03.09.2016 21:49:26 30.6 5.0 153.0 1824562892885333306 15164675815214754172
24.08.2016 11:18:40 355.0 10.0 3550.0 13251269781627657381 9602034753626583428
24.08.2016 03:39:37 145.0 10.0 1450.0 16706967266608350939 9602034753626583428
24.08.2016 03:39:37 5.0 10.0001 50.0 17305729905024918575 8804258962803264823
08.08.2016 14:42:23 15.0 45.0 675.0 7441463266433492043 7016096027945317836
30.07.2016 01:05:45 15.0 4.0 60.0 13593821011860289207 3073173593320014319
27.07.2016 07:16:49 92.0 21.0 1932.0 16375500436767460816 5153200760936154985
26.07.2016 14:01:47 3.0 3.0 9.0 11830199281947685303 10812808111344713215
26.07.2016 14:01:47 10.0 4.0 40.0 12492610351016234707 6624744451877838006
26.07.2016 14:00:01 10.0 5.0 50.0 7782972120800361225 8174892455231410075
21.07.2016 08:11:24 92.0 1.11 102.12 4713083002205121117 6456520339810048068
21.07.2016 08:06:39 2.0 25.0 50.0 11892952084490271246 18106802045054766703
21.07.2016 08:06:39 7.9 20.0 158.0 5343210775297726452 10713531008603367504
17.07.2016 03:59:39 15.0 45.0 675.0 8196921339879908422 9222932918540063915
Total: Trades 212,423.5 6,348,152.71727401
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