Asset Details for: XDFB

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: XDFB
Asset ID: 288267136544646747
Issuer RS: NXT-E766-A3AR-3JGA-6QL4A
Issuer ID: 4902825978590794884
Issuer Transaction: 288267136544646747
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of XDFB
Quantity: 99,991,100
Decimals: 2
# of Trades: 157
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 1250.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 0
Last Trade Date: 12.12.2021 08:57:22
Domains have been considered digital property for 2 decades now. Every business in the modern world needs it's own estate in cyberspace and that is exactly what domains are. In today’s world new businesses pop up all the time. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day: a new business starts it's journey. Some are good and some are bad, some fail and some succeed, but they all have one thing in common: they all need a domain name. Domains were the first assets of the internet, and with the ever rapid and enormous growth of both cryptocurrencies and the domain market, it is almost poetically natural for the two to be joined together. This is exactly what DotsforBits will do! Check out the infographic and prospectus for all the details and FAQ! Asset Exchange - Ticker symbol - XDFB INFO :

Sell XDFB for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy XDFB with NXT - Open Sell Orders (0 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Asks 0 0

Trade History for XDFB (157 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
12.12.2021 08:57:22 1.0 1250.0 1250.0 274732806169689575 10236199965716571336
12.12.2021 08:47:09 100.0 10.0 1000.0 11706731717772071885 17746706196759431545
12.12.2021 08:47:09 500.0 15.0 7500.0 1178774794632184521 8601317881687646482
12.12.2021 08:47:09 13.0 14.0 182.0 10612573649874576026 5822961162115428653
28.10.2015 04:32:39 10.0 7.0 70.0 3492965505110642278 14124368328879365692
19.10.2015 02:10:51 1.0 8.000001 8.0 15592721838684931010 7348543275438064506
03.09.2015 07:50:41 110.0 10.00001 1100.0 9783852155052958110 5085878455464821412
03.09.2015 07:50:41 100.0 10.000002 1000.0 9783852155052958110 13197960974037231265
02.08.2015 06:17:54 390.0 10.00001 3900.0 8471319431523191878 5085878455464821412
05.11.2014 10:39:57 25.0 15.0 375.0 1623328303685458749 4779130866415357405
02.10.2014 20:42:35 9.0 10.0001 90.0 5686508375839303761 1804792771909210642
10.09.2014 21:44:06 55.01 15.0 825.15 1623328303685458749 1490618831718479445
31.08.2014 00:27:26 100.0 15.0 1500.0 1183299407369480988 1490618831718479445
24.08.2014 17:28:51 50.0 15.0 750.0 17453819616683911250 1490618831718479445
02.08.2014 23:16:58 10.0 15.0 150.0 16549065292795026223 1490618831718479445
02.08.2014 23:16:58 35.0 15.0 525.0 5459985268188585845 1490618831718479445
02.08.2014 23:16:58 212.99 15.0 3194.85 1397664045342570488 1490618831718479445
30.07.2014 16:42:39 20.0 15.0 300.0 1397664045342570488 7466955161902540083
30.07.2014 16:41:00 4.0 15.0 60.0 1397664045342570488 8354772484944295745
29.07.2014 12:34:28 1.0 15.0 15.0 1397664045342570488 14778702100880256228
29.07.2014 08:17:39 10.0 15.0 150.0 1397664045342570488 16656806063441678388
23.07.2014 12:19:25 2.0 15.0 30.0 1397664045342570488 14321227907472525353
23.07.2014 06:02:57 50.01 15.0 750.15 1397664045342570488 5133417360371550825
18.07.2014 10:07:50 10.0 15.0 150.0 10826779175385961090 5133417360371550825
15.07.2014 01:04:01 1612.99 15.0 24194.85 16871267226105135851 5133417360371550825
15.07.2014 01:04:01 60.0 15.0 900.0 15521341175991846030 5133417360371550825
11.07.2014 23:02:33 1533.01 15.0 22995.15 16871267226105135851 10390879715538815966
10.07.2014 10:23:24 6.0 15.0 90.0 1977899809565494087 10390879715538815966
06.07.2014 00:38:08 2000.0 15.0 30000.0 18114986533397002197 10390879715538815966
02.07.2014 01:17:34 4200.0 15.0 63000.0 17850207657942709745 10390879715538815966
01.07.2014 10:22:47 25.0 15.0 375.0 16015995121239671213 10390879715538815966
29.06.2014 02:40:26 2000.0 15.0 30000.0 7046371882207487297 10390879715538815966
28.06.2014 20:07:46 3167.99 15.0 47519.85 706381210589653315 10390879715538815966
28.06.2014 20:07:46 632.01 15.0 9480.15 706381210589653315 2179748804301629055
27.06.2014 03:11:17 10.0 15.0 150.0 11112068977219609953 2179748804301629055
25.06.2014 11:09:54 165.0 15.0 2475.0 8462971450596761913 2179748804301629055
24.06.2014 04:52:18 850.0 15.0 12750.0 4271540883835463729 2179748804301629055
24.06.2014 03:09:38 60.0 15.0 900.0 5265392198208593122 2179748804301629055
23.06.2014 00:06:25 200.0 15.0 3000.0 9576334820950305728 2179748804301629055
21.06.2014 23:54:22 10.0 15.0 150.0 3045802287697564020 2179748804301629055
21.06.2014 20:24:25 1000.0 15.0 15000.0 17242752336882840156 2179748804301629055
20.06.2014 21:36:15 1.0 15.00001 15.0 10331191379741263801 2470346168622277183
20.06.2014 21:36:15 9.0 15.0 135.0 10331191379741263801 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 628.33 15.0 9424.95 11675955183190513946 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 600.0 15.0 9000.0 8179457079677318613 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 200.0 15.0 3000.0 12681843550686374279 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 5.66 15.0 84.9 1598291785507313717 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 50.0 15.0 750.0 7153337992244280410 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 20.0 15.0 300.0 6344093728145236668 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 50.0 15.0 750.0 2873608212720692770 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 50.0 15.0 750.0 2827845320196101546 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 500.0 15.0 7500.0 2755028025766497798 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 100.0 15.0 1500.0 3307917957952031223 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 825.0 15.0 12375.0 3567268204294940185 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 250.0 15.0 3750.0 2396649588773078700 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 1020.0 15.0 15300.0 14922474683891759132 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 1670.0 15.0 25050.0 2216184462976687907 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 200.0 14.99 2998.0 5967024892189403581 2179748804301629055
19.06.2014 04:45:57 895.0 14.0 12530.0 17132054795171265528 2179748804301629055
17.06.2014 15:46:16 1.0 12.5 12.5 16723049934127772867 14304660143281315332
17.06.2014 01:57:48 10.0 12.5 125.0 2998185888402200433 14304660143281315332
13.06.2014 12:38:31 4.0 14.5 58.0 883139578708995495 3056680219512937256
12.06.2014 11:28:48 61.0 15.0 915.0 2555379443853192087 11124953196640643594
12.06.2014 10:55:28 100.0 15.0 1500.0 2555379443853192087 6661840017893554826
06.06.2014 23:11:11 50.0 15.0 750.0 2555379443853192087 9819238635465018661
06.06.2014 23:01:52 40.0 12.5 500.0 5966358585165794353 14304660143281315332
06.06.2014 23:01:52 10.0 12.50001 125.0 5966358585165794353 8293871085365109437
05.06.2014 18:22:37 150.0 15.0 2250.0 2555379443853192087 5741757034541664568
05.06.2014 02:55:07 1.0 15.0 15.0 2555379443853192087 9901606381986991491
04.06.2014 22:21:33 50.0 12.50001 625.0 1463540407852723921 8293871085365109437
04.06.2014 05:57:21 100.0 12.75 1275.0 16660045672514326419 6455665343951825481
03.06.2014 20:20:19 1.0 15.0 15.0 2555379443853192087 5570675701821499175
03.06.2014 05:38:30 200.0 15.0 3000.0 2555379443853192087 17334668253670207336
03.06.2014 02:58:32 500.0 15.0 7500.0 2555379443853192087 11348588421942667573
03.06.2014 01:50:03 31.0 14.9796 464.37 3542317970753927635 11264205110295093130
03.06.2014 01:50:03 200.0 15.0 3000.0 2555379443853192087 12972666967796719443
03.06.2014 01:50:03 10.0 14.99 149.9 2320934226417112571 11968210625406966409
03.06.2014 00:20:03 527.0 14.9796 7894.25 3542317970753927635 5592738011964618916
03.06.2014 00:20:03 31.0 14.979599 464.37 7454832469433615845 5592738011964618916
01.06.2014 18:27:44 31.0 10.00005 310.0 9974890417844496315 13804367340417080799
01.06.2014 14:47:39 19.34 13.0 251.42 12436116929119818449 7818429911157135238
01.06.2014 11:32:56 0.66 13.0 8.58 14850932988433553675 7818429911157135238
31.05.2014 08:03:28 500.0 15.0 7500.0 2555379443853192087 13960441881257164104
29.05.2014 04:56:58 6.0 15.0 90.0 2555379443853192087 10489980024518413129
28.05.2014 22:55:30 94.0 14.999999 1410.0 5559986595583768536 4476310503231063144
28.05.2014 22:55:30 1.0 15.0 15.0 2555379443853192087 4476310503231063144
28.05.2014 22:47:46 5.0 14.999999 75.0 5559986595583768536 12521998971820732341
28.05.2014 20:05:04 1.0 14.999999 15.0 5559986595583768536 8595837983710046141
27.05.2014 05:51:06 100.0 10.00002 1000.0 5416535000315889683 10598319642945044755
27.05.2014 02:27:56 50.0 15.0 750.0 2555379443853192087 2168279950429119703
25.05.2014 17:36:24 20.0 15.0 300.0 2555379443853192087 696438602276946225
23.05.2014 06:53:42 20.0 15.0 300.0 2555379443853192087 11727285596300236855
22.05.2014 21:56:14 22.0 15.0 330.0 2555379443853192087 8764624237745144266
22.05.2014 17:09:12 3.9 15.0 58.5 2555379443853192087 3390670659353777263
21.05.2014 22:26:03 825.0 15.0 12375.0 2555379443853192087 14510491729189199352
21.05.2014 20:43:23 100.0 10.0 1000.0 7814381488664814077 266059960570006912
21.05.2014 17:44:32 60.0 15.0 900.0 2555379443853192087 18006595740117300130
20.05.2014 22:23:55 515.0 15.0 7725.0 2555379443853192087 9927566491263640268
20.05.2014 22:22:45 177.0 14.99 2653.23 729980586275634453 6778810482365239991
20.05.2014 13:35:23 13.0 14.99 194.87 729980586275634453 1654892209305408764
Total: Trades 52,000.91 769,803.54453
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