Asset Details for: lgnis [scam]

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: lgnis
Asset ID: 16517791931646005600
Issuer ID: 5447717059474904886
Issuer Transaction: 16517791931646005600
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of lgnis
Quantity: 9,999,999,971,000
Decimals: 4
# of Trades: 9
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 1.45 NXT
Bid Price: 0.001 NXT
Ask Price: 1.45 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 1
Open Ask Orders: 1
Last Trade Date: 16.02.2018 03:13:22
lgins is the first child chain token of the Ardor platform. The lGINS token will be used for all functions currently implemented on top of Nxt. Existing Nxt holders will receive 0.5 lGINS token per 1 NXT held at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot. Alternatively, you can obtain lGNIS at a better rate by buying JLRDA tokens in this crowdsale. For 1 JLRDA token you will receive 1 lGINS token at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot. This is the JLRDA token for the lGINS token sale. For 1 JLRDA token the participants in the token sale will receive 1 lGINS coin at the time of the Ardor Genesis Snapshot.

Sell lgnis for NXT - Open Buy Orders (1 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-25PW-ST5X-HRHU-5BVX3 997.1 0.001 1.0
Total: Bids 0.001 1.0

Buy lgnis with NXT - Open Sell Orders (1 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-EPTQ-TPMF-VPFT-6FK8R 150377252.352 1.45 218047015.91
Total: Asks 1.45 218,047,015.91

Trade History for lgnis (9 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
16.02.2018 03:13:22 192.0 1.45 278.4 718277632303664128 917972144040748575
31.01.2018 02:56:40 15.0 1.45 21.75 718277632303664128 6855316979007815439
24.01.2018 03:13:45 997.1 1.4 1395.94 11877980056593918736 5137262453807334888
20.01.2018 00:06:23 1.45 1.4 2.03 3008371832855768069 5137262453807334888
17.01.2018 01:55:05 1.45 1.4 2.03 5643875631366003562 5137262453807334888
23.11.2017 06:28:04 1.45 0.001 0.0 18171315599848939185 4934340404108460613
11.11.2017 13:38:47 1.45 0.001 0.0 4982358984861064346 4934340404108460613
07.11.2017 01:26:03 70.0 1.45 101.5 718277632303664128 9627025318689177298
06.11.2017 21:19:01 10000.0 0.0024 24.0 9855037180786520248 7047746350588502844
Total: Trades 11,279.9 1,825.6529
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