Asset Details for: NxtMania

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: NxtMania
Asset ID: 15726091602896434888
Issuer RS: NXT-2U7G-F974-PXR2-6ZPYB
Issuer ID: 4970495599840356526
Issuer Transaction: 15726091602896434888
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of NxtMania
Quantity: 1,000,000
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 49
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.15 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 1.0 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 9
Last Trade Date: 27.06.2016 21:40:34
This is NxtMania Games asset. // Each unit represents 0.0001% of the revenue stream from NxtMania Games. Every 10,000 shares will be equivalent to 1% of the company. // NxtMania Games is a mobile app which consists of various old-school games. You can play for example Tetris, Space invaders, Tron or PingPong and at the same time support Nxt! // Here comes the exciting part, you can even challenge your friends to a game and earn some rewards. NxtMania Games will first release Tetris on iOS before moving to developing the Android version. More games will come after. It is addictive, it is fun and it is rewarding. // Play Games, Spread the word, Support Nxt! // OP:

Sell NxtMania for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy NxtMania with NXT - Open Sell Orders (9 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-XRTD-RMZT-B3ZF-CEZRW 200.0 1.0 200.0
NXT-EAPU-76MK-2FF6-FKDFY 30.0 5.0 150.0
NXT-873Q-N9F2-SV5E-5HBSC 9700.0 6.5 63050.0
NXT-HPW9-EC4H-KJPT-7STQV 4651.0 8.0 37208.0
NXT-YE9U-S8FK-LWWR-3M7GN 40.0 8.9998 359.99
NXT-2U7G-F974-PXR2-6ZPYB 99345.0 9.0 894105.0
NXT-YE9U-S8FK-LWWR-3M7GN 50.0 11.0 550.0
NXT-YE9U-S8FK-LWWR-3M7GN 50.0 16.0 800.0
NXT-YE9U-S8FK-LWWR-3M7GN 50.0 21.0 1050.0
Total: Asks 86.0 997,472.99

Trade History for NxtMania (49 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
27.06.2016 21:40:34 500.0 0.15 75.0 14787267381698817424 5542405919932661432
23.07.2015 22:56:20 10.0 5.0 50.0 8558897712423568145 11038081027145747553
08.07.2015 04:26:50 190.0 0.00000001 0.0 5475619663481847504 3916246015054970144
17.01.2015 18:46:33 10.0 0.5 5.0 3733179759391772986 10297688836586319498
07.12.2014 21:05:05 50.0 7.0 350.0 3005896208931875822 12975270403775180147
04.12.2014 07:24:55 100.0 7.5 750.0 6856468475458307404 15428946363112981908
02.12.2014 05:46:13 10.0 7.0 70.0 7216966943050742214 12975270403775180147
26.11.2014 01:36:19 10.0 8.9998 90.0 6585920482146494443 11166769205818812594
25.11.2014 05:12:02 20.0 8.9998 180.0 6585920482146494443 15042376069108443501
24.11.2014 09:03:26 10.0 7.0 70.0 10950174102431258056 12975270403775180147
18.11.2014 13:44:25 2.0 1.0 2.0 15078372986714905621 17710836298014630572
09.11.2014 17:33:16 30.0 4.0 120.0 17625064936019844573 11100546130890660320
08.10.2014 11:02:54 50.0 4.0 200.0 5964490780261933598 11100546130890660320
30.09.2014 20:41:55 50.0 4.0 200.0 15696287423237534972 11100546130890660320
26.09.2014 07:33:04 120.0 4.0 480.0 11796524592170462786 11100546130890660320
14.09.2014 06:53:16 200.0 1.0 200.0 14404037874662117467 9693674668873656077
26.08.2014 07:15:06 10.0 8.99999999 90.0 3245886638281368424 15465426672311803683
11.08.2014 21:27:58 175.0 1.0 175.0 4640061257485229722 8004407164643193812
05.08.2014 00:32:20 25.0 5.01 125.25 14881416941546920110 422646926340971587
04.08.2014 05:06:23 40.0 8.99999999 360.0 3245886638281368424 15275718300723026781
23.07.2014 11:15:45 50.0 9.0 450.0 6582655629753912973 4950017535231328417
22.07.2014 03:46:57 50.0 9.0 450.0 6582655629753912973 18444268536883652354
17.07.2014 05:22:55 150.0 8.99 1348.5 6977990890490391201 2650311000094167525
04.07.2014 00:57:06 50.0 8.99 449.5 15586689105397757567 2650311000094167525
03.07.2014 06:38:41 55.0 9.0 495.0 6582655629753912973 1723506176420566880
03.07.2014 05:41:23 500.0 9.0 4500.0 6582655629753912973 8120208386647244473
26.06.2014 21:02:47 50.0 15.0 750.0 3525145524615854738 18243347533725006190
23.06.2014 04:40:12 10.0 16.0 160.0 7883352031986574341 11625332452390253564
22.06.2014 05:02:31 14.0 9.0 126.0 7475445265485645981 16826311989292199307
22.06.2014 01:57:53 49.0 5.0 245.0 7621197821063234130 10659227687558771836
22.06.2014 01:57:53 14.0 5.0 70.0 7621197821063234130 5562531446252353461
22.06.2014 01:33:49 36.0 5.0 180.0 409045526868257941 5562531446252353461
22.06.2014 01:33:49 14.0 9.0 126.0 409045526868257941 14426233993181166854
20.06.2014 00:16:43 32.0 16.0 512.0 7368794462566081689 16426901577237434614
18.06.2014 17:31:30 4.0 25.0 100.0 1043538637256680328 10523412955294772904
18.06.2014 00:00:07 2.0 25.0 50.0 1043538637256680328 8265602234755948686
17.06.2014 20:51:18 1.0 25.0 25.0 1043538637256680328 14372320399241974660
13.06.2014 09:59:29 67.0 15.0 1005.0 10558089260016627807 12785226131342287641
13.06.2014 07:08:10 100.0 15.0 1500.0 10558089260016627807 4690772011099283772
13.06.2014 04:57:22 50.0 15.0 750.0 10558089260016627807 5484437532990850757
13.06.2014 04:36:45 10.0 15.0 150.0 10558089260016627807 8647399767422525253
10.06.2014 23:30:21 10.0 25.0 250.0 16392136498394180348 7446691195208157684
10.06.2014 19:24:15 10.0 20.0 200.0 6289107498747758880 11489957474460145649
07.06.2014 02:38:10 134.0 8.0 1072.0 17219600040487658727 1944762239527775204
05.06.2014 10:08:18 250.0 8.0 2000.0 17219600040487658727 3386398660871181877
05.06.2014 08:42:11 30.0 8.0 240.0 17219600040487658727 16910276308822252862
05.06.2014 04:19:49 21.0 8.0 168.0 17219600040487658727 6102126141621467610
05.06.2014 03:34:49 5000.0 8.0 40000.0 17219600040487658727 15796508780156273506
05.06.2014 03:33:37 300.0 8.0 2400.0 17219600040487658727 524084953883597337
Total: Trades 8,675.0 63,364.2440014
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