Asset Details for: NXTInspect

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: NXTInspect
Asset ID: 14273984620270850703
Issuer RS: NXT-QUUE-9M9E-TRC5-24Q2M
Issuer ID: 685323659737000780
Issuer Transaction: 14273984620270850703
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of NXTInspect
Quantity: 217,767
Decimals: 0
# of Trades: 1,293
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 0.01 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 0.0109 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 21
Last Trade Date: 03.01.2018 14:28:15
This asset is represents the right to a share in the profits from the activities of NXTinspect, you can find more information about it here

Sell NXTInspect for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy NXTInspect with NXT - Open Sell Orders (21 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-568B-SG2H-BQVR-25RCV 500.0 0.0109 5.45
NXT-RWYB-WHGZ-QM9R-3KE9R 10.0 0.011 0.11
NXT-6NQ2-6NYN-VMQL-4HLMH 9.0 0.2095 1.89
NXT-Z5N7-2LV7-X3C5-9TL7A 239.0 0.21 50.19
NXT-V4SA-V9EX-XNTK-DF927 46.0 0.25 11.5
NXT-CX43-F8V7-DJMQ-CQFJL 926.0 0.25 231.5
NXT-6RV5-52PZ-M9UU-B52GU 1387.0 0.7999 1109.46
NXT-6RV5-52PZ-M9UU-B52GU 895.0 0.84999998 760.75
NXT-C22R-5R4U-XYVV-FMPLT 12.0 1.0 12.0
NXT-6RV5-52PZ-M9UU-B52GU 1541.0 1.899 2926.36
NXT-L892-ZKXZ-2JJY-AD9JV 1500.0 1.9 2850.0
NXT-6RV5-52PZ-M9UU-B52GU 1470.0 2.499 3673.53
NXT-RZ67-3K22-HAAK-8JK3J 535.0 2.5 1337.5
NXT-F2N7-GHWK-GH6U-8LTJC 508.0 2.95 1498.6
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 100.0 3.0 300.0
NXT-5A9B-Q2UK-6DGQ-BYDWW 13.0 3.59 46.67
NXT-D7Q3-FAGE-EBVD-G9G7J 416.0 3.8 1580.8
NXT-WSHC-U9Z4-BKN6-543CS 100.0 5.0 500.0
NXT-RK5U-NNTH-3AAS-55K77 308.0 8.0 2464.0
NXT-6RV5-52PZ-M9UU-B52GU 500.0 9.99 4995.0
NXT-8A2F-AY7X-3F3K-2ZZ3L 10.0 99.0 990.0
Total: Asks 148.0 25,345.31

Trade History for NXTInspect (1293 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
03.01.2018 14:28:15 200.0 0.01 2.0 14361194735679149588 5011030893631987320
03.01.2018 14:28:15 115.0 0.01 1.15 9644940895784290652 5011030893631987320
27.10.2017 16:31:24 100.0 0.01 1.0 9644940895784290652 4665010327148367826
06.09.2017 07:35:10 71.0 0.011 0.78 16814922644151727909 8114847206551493892
01.07.2017 04:38:26 100.0 0.21 21.0 3071634995759408464 7663581664183393020
16.06.2017 12:30:00 8129.0 0.011 89.42 2131406990185263611 8114847206551493892
20.05.2017 07:23:07 4796.0 0.011 52.76 2131406990185263611 17884384979423095910
19.05.2017 19:08:02 1942.0 0.021 40.78 4204633599291871820 1583831923999578006
19.05.2017 19:08:02 58.0 0.011 0.64 4204633599291871820 17884384979423095910
01.05.2017 14:07:14 3.0 0.021 0.06 11688389961853691123 1583831923999578006
25.04.2017 21:34:51 13.0 0.021 0.27 6666816425334800058 1583831923999578006
02.04.2017 10:46:59 12.0 0.021 0.25 15000329561376584947 1583831923999578006
29.03.2017 04:50:06 31.0 0.021 0.65 1369788646864236948 1583831923999578006
23.03.2017 13:04:11 2.0 0.021 0.04 237602473141543486 1583831923999578006
26.02.2017 00:32:55 2.0 0.021 0.04 5109592019736868069 1583831923999578006
23.02.2017 02:53:05 47.0 0.021 0.99 9302879384796921263 1583831923999578006
22.02.2017 11:54:49 48.0 0.021 1.01 3655415433565857938 1583831923999578006
07.02.2017 05:00:44 1.0 0.011 0.01 12048656721507778536 17884384979423095910
29.01.2017 01:19:10 100.0 0.011 1.1 7840730025293333568 17884384979423095910
24.01.2017 03:39:55 24.0 0.24 5.76 4343223377265138554 17775369826859412813
18.01.2017 05:55:16 20.0 0.24 4.8 1765757424404112706 17775369826859412813
13.01.2017 10:01:19 145.0 0.011 1.59 4324543153214940919 17884384979423095910
08.01.2017 03:55:13 3.0 0.0201 0.06 14009290137520412739 4706267659102209532
06.12.2016 15:15:58 26.0 0.0201 0.52 17987420218485685148 4706267659102209532
24.11.2016 00:08:47 1.0 0.0201 0.02 3462065888181988148 4706267659102209532
22.11.2016 05:05:05 1357.0 0.0201 27.28 10956278110430953639 4706267659102209532
22.11.2016 05:02:41 44.0 0.22 9.68 11082531969584630289 8014463839593634837
20.11.2016 17:22:01 14.0 0.22 3.08 9219550359807158473 8014463839593634837
15.11.2016 21:37:20 10.0 0.22 2.2 18434694638557207614 8014463839593634837
13.11.2016 06:28:46 10.0 0.22 2.2 10475742250773749617 8014463839593634837
03.11.2016 18:14:34 30.0 0.22 6.6 4078133203792221604 8014463839593634837
28.10.2016 08:19:55 15.0 0.22 3.3 6975879796123977820 8014463839593634837
25.10.2016 00:26:11 1000.0 0.22 220.0 1993955220623271760 8014463839593634837
18.10.2016 18:02:04 64.0 0.22 14.08 11959841401057305171 8014463839593634837
18.10.2016 01:12:59 419.0 0.25 104.75 5155016714843709566 238042933681290692
15.10.2016 19:19:25 31.0 0.25 7.75 4783852396420432219 238042933681290692
14.10.2016 17:44:58 62.0 0.25 15.5 2668901463960232587 238042933681290692
03.10.2016 10:13:57 465.0 0.25 116.25 7201704270893289039 238042933681290692
03.10.2016 10:13:57 23.0 0.25 5.75 3773241351299432203 238042933681290692
30.09.2016 17:41:22 298.0 0.25 74.5 7201704270893289039 6020031541770039809
24.09.2016 23:55:01 61.0 0.25 15.25 17458090881008482883 6020031541770039809
24.09.2016 20:20:12 28.0 0.25 7.0 6594354215280441678 6020031541770039809
24.09.2016 03:38:28 13.0 0.25 3.25 8373320176982926142 6020031541770039809
20.09.2016 20:25:41 696.0 0.2201 153.19 16800196148201148370 16064473777269123379
20.09.2016 20:25:41 491.0 0.22 108.02 16800196148201148370 8014463839593634837
20.09.2016 13:37:49 115.0 0.2201 25.31 17137629031362247424 16064473777269123379
20.09.2016 12:51:01 8.0 0.2201 1.76 17613825456157372997 16064473777269123379
20.09.2016 06:10:46 192.0 0.2201 42.26 5984461270754570632 16064473777269123379
20.09.2016 00:26:12 34.0 0.2201 7.48 3291421875536900828 16064473777269123379
19.09.2016 23:22:55 15.0 0.2201 3.3 7065809640789695236 16064473777269123379
19.09.2016 23:18:45 178.0 0.2201 39.18 7097765784599350859 16064473777269123379
17.09.2016 15:40:47 26.0 0.25 6.5 14903926736940245824 7203192384388865984
17.09.2016 05:27:44 37.0 0.2201 8.14 7101182349690552777 16064473777269123379
01.09.2016 17:19:25 25.0 0.2201 5.5 715757455114188091 16064473777269123379
13.08.2016 04:16:12 13.0 0.22 2.86 16818702314956313140 8014463839593634837
11.08.2016 13:24:39 205.0 0.22 45.1 8802420853359506629 8014463839593634837
11.08.2016 03:35:09 1.0 0.22 0.22 8261748794395218059 8014463839593634837
10.08.2016 03:56:23 103.0 0.22 22.66 15263603254984175882 8014463839593634837
02.08.2016 10:47:37 215.0 0.2001 43.02 12074740846883707215 8411448482372413926
27.07.2016 10:12:27 1.0 0.2001 0.2 18111975390479448074 8411448482372413926
16.07.2016 01:57:59 3.0 0.120001 0.36 2580889581712282467 11467739047651037673
12.07.2016 23:56:29 35.0 0.120001 4.2 664958291863901939 11467739047651037673
04.07.2016 01:20:55 38.0 0.120001 4.56 12588088714345389422 11467739047651037673
03.07.2016 19:16:58 200.0 1.89 378.0 8048053456792823827 7389142641354936872
02.07.2016 21:32:14 61.0 0.120001 7.32 11112874777376602374 11467739047651037673
01.07.2016 08:39:09 26.0 0.12 3.12 7099486800950616817 11898768047524857484
01.07.2016 05:50:23 31.0 0.12 3.72 15160610962748523855 11898768047524857484
28.06.2016 23:11:24 658.0 0.111 73.04 13101084165089558924 6228612529693294547
28.06.2016 23:08:40 99.0 0.111 10.99 10495362265130704194 6228612529693294547
28.06.2016 08:35:27 4133.0 0.22 909.26 203696092803561421 6043417755626488703
28.06.2016 07:58:29 917.0 0.22 201.74 203696092803561421 10294130605193971164
26.06.2016 07:30:20 81.0 0.22 17.82 17918846186310173772 10294130605193971164
25.06.2016 21:30:22 11.0 0.23 2.53 9056214098007157254 6629821626460133199
25.06.2016 17:16:10 19.0 0.23 4.37 17660544778352145156 6629821626460133199
20.06.2016 15:00:11 2.0 0.23 0.46 5801875621298343339 6629821626460133199
19.06.2016 21:32:05 2.0 0.22 0.44 2130160639141318594 10294130605193971164
17.06.2016 18:28:36 10.0 0.22000001 2.2 7226810638910866235 16381937085807908025
14.06.2016 21:08:13 77.0 0.2 15.4 4309551377246460467 17903835251564615512
09.06.2016 01:55:56 9809.0 2.5 24522.5 8855552077739028099 1714050468887957538
08.06.2016 06:51:15 10.0 2.5 25.0 10234245597233949173 1714050468887957538
02.06.2016 12:13:26 55.0 2.5 137.5 8318729555805323621 1714050468887957538
01.06.2016 22:16:33 50.0 2.5 125.0 2461535825958829824 1714050468887957538
31.05.2016 20:29:49 5.0 2.5 12.5 11346432193059683975 1714050468887957538
31.05.2016 01:56:05 1.0 2.5 2.5 9405887980947515425 1714050468887957538
28.05.2016 22:47:16 557.0 2.5 1392.5 12342452040762256976 1714050468887957538
28.05.2016 22:25:06 1.0 2.5 2.5 18233607667259688532 1714050468887957538
28.05.2016 18:50:31 220.0 2.5 550.0 16731878765122093399 1714050468887957538
28.05.2016 12:16:28 25.0 2.5 62.5 4649656886160971396 1714050468887957538
25.05.2016 06:16:35 26.0 2.5 65.0 1446697812500265359 1714050468887957538
24.05.2016 15:02:30 950.0 2.5 2375.0 1271486613795316784 1714050468887957538
19.05.2016 17:11:04 100.0 2.65 265.0 13564116507139166714 7938514537492926997
19.05.2016 17:11:04 220.0 2.501 550.22 13564116507139166714 6519912231338451324
19.05.2016 17:11:04 124.0 2.5 310.0 13564116507139166714 1714050468887957538
19.05.2016 15:49:18 911.0 2.65000001 2414.15 9822579895573345673 17378037509476051525
18.05.2016 08:20:26 89.0 2.65000001 235.85 17641592649587679720 17378037509476051525
13.05.2016 00:18:15 28.0 2.50100001 70.03 5595815638855527257 18430887149122031554
04.05.2016 13:12:26 100.0 2.501 250.1 14621453687520650596 6519912231338451324
29.04.2016 02:56:43 25.0 2.5010001 62.53 16613963795026346151 5289012897285233699
28.04.2016 05:56:18 166.0 2.5010001 415.17 6322092580320215441 5289012897285233699
26.04.2016 12:16:48 4.0 2.5010001 10.0 13255062377290611294 5289012897285233699
Total: Trades 1,040,640.0 3,116,682.39777026
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