Asset Details for: mythical51

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets

Trade History for mythical51 (21 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
10.08.2024 02:23:40 1 3501.00000000 3501.00000000 2cff8e1409d0f8a7… c3c7515315cc6c99…
17.07.2024 09:20:34 1 3250.00000000 3250.00000000 e53984cfa18447d3… ba0af31f82e69bff…
23.05.2024 16:47:47 1 2330.00000000 2330.00000000 f6d86cd839f63ab5… 9b6e3dd420ca2ac1…
30.04.2024 21:31:47 1 3000.00000000 3000.00000000 1bc44e2446a07b40… a14bd3015c3d7af1…
30.04.2024 04:01:01 1 3200.00000000 3200.00000000 49b84c75ee931fd8… 57364b8fd956aa4d…
23.04.2024 07:50:36 1 3499.00000000 3499.00000000 d299fae98c753753… f1803b30f5c035b3…
07.04.2024 09:25:31 1 3500.00000000 3500.00000000 bf8e7e6a9aad0252… d28db35b62032a7b…
05.04.2024 15:43:44 1 3381.00000000 3381.00000000 817f509311ababc1… d84f8b7057c761e5…
25.03.2024 08:02:24 1 3300.00000000 3300.00000000 0047c02bcee06e5d… 20c58ad196c4dadf…
24.03.2024 17:58:26 1 3000.00000000 3000.00000000 68c47677f1f8eab7… a14bd3015c3d7af1…
24.03.2024 16:17:57 1 3002.00000000 3002.00000000 5f317704b1443a57… 885d3677734b3a79…
24.03.2024 16:17:57 1 3000.00000000 3000.00000000 5f317704b1443a57… a14bd3015c3d7af1…
24.03.2024 16:07:31 1 3005.00000000 3005.00000000 b4c241a46791dfd1… f0c12221f9980999…
24.03.2024 15:59:29 1 3006.00000000 3006.00000000 7bc76b58a01acbd6… 40ead920c38d8b4d…
23.03.2024 12:27:14 1 9900.00000000 9900.00000000 a5e827fabf95cd17… bb6e77f0bcc26cc4…
21.03.2024 20:23:15 1 3010.00000000 3010.00000000 7bfa443140e9ade9… 38c590cc42e8c2f5…
08.02.2024 18:02:23 1 6000.00000000 6000.00000000 20c479e4588bff19… 640de82b30a55fcc…
05.01.2024 06:27:52 1 6001.00000000 6001.00000000 a847cb77bd9ffbe4… 8c7b88848551c063…
03.01.2024 15:33:56 1 6100.00000000 6100.00000000 d06a51085b90f62f… 2434a46c5e627500…
22.12.2023 14:02:47 1 7000.00000000 7000.00000000 12fc117fa25c9ae9… 315d61257374e4e3…
20.12.2023 20:47:25 1 7001.00000000 7001.00000000 3bd8056fa1eaf4f7… 6445d156576e11c7…
Total: 21 Trades 21.0 88,986.0
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