Asset Details for: mythical27

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets

Trade History for mythical27 (44 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
30.07.2024 19:10:48 2 101.00000000 202.00000000 40f301b21bc4ad2a… 6093d9767a699eb0…
30.07.2024 10:53:47 10 75.00000000 750.00000000 861a03f96e63a6c3… e6535f7ebc6487b5…
30.07.2024 10:43:33 2 74.00000000 148.00000000 d67f758a817e06e4… 6a183363ecb0d099…
30.07.2024 10:43:33 1 74.00000000 74.00000000 2d423b49bb3710d5… 6a183363ecb0d099…
30.07.2024 10:43:33 1 60.00000000 60.00000000 c024556448d930a9… 6a183363ecb0d099…
23.06.2024 06:23:46 1 50.00000000 50.00000000 6e3dba67d7589487… 27ced68263726210…
22.05.2024 14:51:28 1 49.00000000 49.00000000 abf88d1292e033d1… 359d9d88fe8faf74…
20.05.2024 19:53:54 1 49.00000000 49.00000000 abf88d1292e033d1… bfa45921ce445ad4…
14.05.2024 12:18:15 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 31d7a082fde6ea87… 270aecb39cc28faa…
04.05.2024 15:34:47 1 36.00000000 36.00000000 77fd429e1df7622e… b5d9eca046a11b8c…
03.05.2024 21:12:45 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 22dd56a9fd7ca2db… 3c18ee5175d78584…
30.04.2024 21:31:47 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 7eed90ae65f99e6e… 224d8d18bebb883e…
29.04.2024 13:55:57 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 454a24ddf547b166… af774b940319a4c3…
19.04.2024 00:21:17 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 ed2981731d49632c… 37f4d9cb5a01794b…
16.04.2024 18:21:47 1 29.00000000 29.00000000 5214940e86c51527… 4c04bde9e2a27956…
16.04.2024 18:21:47 2 28.00000000 56.00000000 5214940e86c51527… 00137402608dbded…
16.04.2024 15:39:51 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 ded8672e16002a76… 452cb9a39ddd31d6…
13.04.2024 06:05:07 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 1fb194b9f51b7cb5… 76bd86a01f3d1a42…
13.04.2024 06:05:07 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 4840253bdc98193d… 76bd86a01f3d1a42…
13.04.2024 04:29:38 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 df693122265fb987… 5bdbc25dc9942aca…
08.04.2024 20:46:36 1 29.00000000 29.00000000 4f3dcb0dad98ae39… 9f4c7880fb4bea9d…
04.04.2024 16:17:20 5 34.00000000 170.00000000 7763568f2d381fae… a9b0deb1cb182df8…
04.04.2024 10:20:13 1 51.00000000 51.00000000 d2d33b53671b30b4… fb320719d07d4b6a…
29.03.2024 17:41:45 2 51.00000000 102.00000000 f4467829b25192d5… fb320719d07d4b6a…
29.03.2024 17:41:45 1 52.00000000 52.00000000 f4467829b25192d5… 67f7742ef0a6e4e0…
22.03.2024 21:11:05 1 300.00000000 300.00000000 5c99a9fe5c912c90… c0f3907d64764be7…
02.01.2024 10:15:33 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 1dad09991a478a4b… 4cb88685498515ff…
26.12.2023 12:52:42 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 52fda536c63d75a9… 4cb88685498515ff…
25.12.2023 17:46:01 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 94e67eaf6fecee61… 4cb88685498515ff…
24.05.2023 02:17:05 1 150.00000000 150.00000000 8bfd8e6a5038c2dc… cc70f4c6f4a2a39a…
18.01.2023 20:22:37 3 39.00000000 117.00000000 17f4a28bc0a4c449… 6ed1f71a4ba303ec…
11.01.2023 14:55:12 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 17f4a28bc0a4c449… 3c4e7109d4c00355…
01.01.2023 18:49:07 1 13.00000000 13.00000000 d0cb11554008ca91… a22a9a64d06b3d49…
01.01.2023 18:49:07 1 14.00000000 14.00000000 d0cb11554008ca91… ed68bd2def05c78c…
01.01.2023 18:37:10 1 15.00000000 15.00000000 24b1e0e4a3288ec3… fed478d3cc11d1c8…
29.12.2022 15:14:37 1 20.00000000 20.00000000 5bf6fe70b2bc789f… a526ebd1cdeddd5a…
26.12.2022 11:54:31 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 544f82ec05726838… 9a1727d87a307def…
24.12.2022 10:46:04 1 700.00000000 700.00000000 c3daef05fec99c9f… 1356edf096c82cb3…
08.12.2022 13:44:48 1 30.00000000 30.00000000 02c240b1b93ef656… 4198edbfa32da60e…
02.12.2022 17:43:12 1 51.00000000 51.00000000 caae7305bf8b82dd… b63630d606b99f0e…
01.12.2022 14:22:29 1 650.00000000 650.00000000 4dc6065b1dffcd8a… 209c047337cda9c6…
29.11.2022 17:16:30 2 100.00000000 200.00000000 5978ecb54e4dd596… 7049c38b796417d2…
28.11.2022 04:31:15 1 61.00000000 61.00000000 daf5dcb3bc549fcb… 6a0c786e9175e59c…
09.11.2022 11:59:02 1 300.00000000 300.00000000 2f4a36db5cb479d5… fe3ab35eeff1bfc8…
Total: 44 Trades 68.0 5,458.0
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