Asset Details for: mythical54

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets

Trade History for mythical54 (24 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
27.04.2024 11:16:51 3 30.00000000 90.00000000 3063e014f5c6881e… d6e9a12dcc080eb5…
19.04.2024 00:26:16 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 a8d2eee98faf41b8… 0be4b3f1ce4aa3f5…
16.04.2024 15:45:02 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 c72f564f5be3bac1… 56ab700885ab1cf7…
13.04.2024 15:21:25 3 39.00000000 117.00000000 4a350b22b75ddee4… 443a0fc54b454b69…
13.04.2024 15:21:25 3 39.00000000 117.00000000 9ae1e0eb07388c35… 443a0fc54b454b69…
13.04.2024 15:21:25 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 aa6b7f9af7ff7afb… 443a0fc54b454b69…
06.04.2024 16:08:54 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 f5fb5b9463b553ca… 03fa5ecfe39b11a5…
05.04.2024 16:56:10 1 30.00000000 30.00000000 ae968ec08e8e1f28… 2de7d0bf628fe63e…
04.04.2024 16:05:39 4 34.00000000 136.00000000 986fcae33e5ea2f6… 2dee7baf30f6c4f5…
04.04.2024 10:22:52 1 51.00000000 51.00000000 70814cef02a199d4… a6bbcb91e65bb4d7…
04.04.2024 07:19:55 1 60.00000000 60.00000000 5d4054d3ca9e317d… 46d81820816ca88f…
24.03.2024 17:26:43 3 300.00000000 900.00000000 75ee876891ed1f86… 45eba6b984aea95c…
24.03.2024 15:41:40 1 300.00000000 300.00000000 f54ad14c1e916aff… 45eba6b984aea95c…
24.03.2024 12:54:22 1 301.00000000 301.00000000 b82e37c6ae0e1403… 87a02eb480d1ceb1…
23.03.2024 17:25:16 1 301.00000000 301.00000000 dcbc3ff85729cb9f… 87a02eb480d1ceb1…
23.03.2024 12:20:19 1 2998.00000000 2998.00000000 5cc16196db20863e… b23b4f2b85ce3f23…
21.03.2024 17:50:39 5 300.00000000 1500.00000000 76270168c52a3bd6… 45eba6b984aea95c…
21.03.2024 16:59:59 1 301.00000000 301.00000000 330b3f4846d07fb2… 9782f799fbf472ba…
21.03.2024 16:59:59 1 300.00000000 300.00000000 330b3f4846d07fb2… 45eba6b984aea95c…
26.01.2024 17:17:07 1 500.00000000 500.00000000 92a964f868eb3614… c6b403535994b9c2…
26.01.2024 15:19:31 1 500.00000000 500.00000000 5979692a4f1daf9f… 740ee0cccd3263cd…
03.01.2024 16:02:34 1 302.00000000 302.00000000 3b99748a5faf059e… 8f697843ea9aa103…
26.12.2023 13:08:00 1 303.00000000 303.00000000 e3a96992a3e284e9… 22a0c974fa578dfe…
20.12.2023 11:11:09 1 500.00000000 500.00000000 0f2809e13e6b9815… b15712d3713b1664…
Total: 24 Trades 41.0 9,841.0
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