Asset Details for: mythical7

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets

Trade History for mythical7 (44 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
14.08.2024 11:37:08 5 100.00000000 500.00000000 2e4052c1cb70c549… f34098d0cd37f4e4…
31.07.2024 10:44:01 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 fdbcfcf81936b83c… f34098d0cd37f4e4…
30.07.2024 19:10:48 5 101.00000000 505.00000000 473098936ff31bbd… f3f47562db4f210e…
30.07.2024 19:10:48 1 101.00000000 101.00000000 d0f23f06fa56af3a… f3f47562db4f210e…
30.07.2024 11:04:33 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 10a91a2afe80d084… f34098d0cd37f4e4…
30.07.2024 10:43:33 10 75.00000000 750.00000000 b7820071518b53a7… c1c8790d1eb5ae8c…
30.07.2024 10:31:36 1 60.00000000 60.00000000 9e91b96b703ba260… 1318a0afd6aa0051…
30.07.2024 10:31:36 1 74.00000000 74.00000000 b0b6b85f0e547f44… 1318a0afd6aa0051…
30.07.2024 10:31:36 2 50.00000000 100.00000000 48471bb135ce876b… 1318a0afd6aa0051…
23.06.2024 06:25:43 2 49.00000000 98.00000000 cd6a960892e2b170… f95a1b964bcd8c67…
04.05.2024 15:36:40 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 2cbc98db0427fa90… 2eb70044be87288f…
30.04.2024 16:16:46 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 ae7f6b72bbed8985… 8dece046ad074b53…
30.04.2024 16:16:46 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 ae7f6b72bbed8985… 13a87c77ab03f658…
30.04.2024 04:33:58 1 50.00000000 50.00000000 d7342ef40debe066… aa83c7ebb5618f07…
29.04.2024 12:50:45 1 35.00000000 35.00000000 6284ef4fb59bdebb… 61b90447c0b47902…
27.04.2024 11:18:21 1 29.00000000 29.00000000 9d0f2abb75fc8390… 1a1cebcf81b3ab19…
19.04.2024 11:48:23 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 224388966e34034f… 38fccb98ccba86e7…
19.04.2024 00:21:17 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 826be768d0d5712b… 83b744f4bbd19181…
16.04.2024 15:41:47 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 a1b2c4cb7953cd03… a38da70be7e20141…
16.04.2024 15:41:47 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 2dec168423046233… a38da70be7e20141…
14.04.2024 02:50:58 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 d6f934bd8b47e20d… 21d823595edb6241…
14.04.2024 02:50:58 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 1ae2275458c7a3f2… 21d823595edb6241…
13.04.2024 13:20:52 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 d6f934bd8b47e20d… d899abe0d5a4ca74…
13.04.2024 05:54:42 2 39.00000000 78.00000000 d6f934bd8b47e20d… 2b02a90b74983904…
09.04.2024 19:08:27 1 29.00000000 29.00000000 ed7668550d0a6dfe… 9cc981768781a511…
04.04.2024 16:05:39 3 34.00000000 102.00000000 a3f51ea292f47368… 6f6bafaf348279df…
04.04.2024 10:22:52 1 51.00000000 51.00000000 f56381e9cf45afa0… dda5bbae253e342b…
03.04.2024 00:22:09 1 60.00000000 60.00000000 459dbf4b74553155… b7591360db09db87…
29.03.2024 17:53:00 2 51.00000000 102.00000000 de71528ed18f3727… dda5bbae253e342b…
21.03.2024 16:59:35 1 110.00000000 110.00000000 667ad5767c26eb3c… 5dfe58365933bf86…
21.03.2024 16:59:35 1 101.00000000 101.00000000 667ad5767c26eb3c… 5265b06fd774b9c1…
21.03.2024 16:59:35 1 111.00000000 111.00000000 667ad5767c26eb3c… cb36ab05fec56b84…
07.02.2023 11:58:13 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 5547c0d144fcac39… 2c1c2bb70d7b42f0…
11.01.2023 14:57:25 1 39.00000000 39.00000000 5547c0d144fcac39… 14c42160b3e930ca…
01.01.2023 16:21:39 1 20.00000000 20.00000000 8d1a160f5c5d0f8e… 841306d4847981bf…
01.01.2023 12:57:30 1 41.00000000 41.00000000 754dd67cb1d6a016… 17f812806ecc0fe9…
24.12.2022 15:23:33 2 99.00000000 198.00000000 1be0c29e81527178… 2b3d689d7501db32…
18.12.2022 13:00:35 1 13.00000000 13.00000000 60983a3441af41b5… 08747789b6b25957…
12.12.2022 04:12:09 1 20.00000000 20.00000000 6e396ad7b28932ba… ffcba4a9d13afc1c…
08.12.2022 13:02:45 1 31.00000000 31.00000000 4d4b795b8a0b5da6… abf365c31c364330…
08.12.2022 13:02:45 1 30.00000000 30.00000000 4d4b795b8a0b5da6… 772fcca8e24c76ae…
29.11.2022 17:16:30 1 100.00000000 100.00000000 cc1981610ffdcfc9… 578ed856b88565e8…
09.11.2022 11:59:51 2 300.00000000 600.00000000 05aabe61baadd762… e4c712dc211f8b0c…
23.10.2022 15:58:54 1 400.00000000 400.00000000 5d3b1f10e2f7e881… d33324f7a551ff23…
Total: 44 Trades 71.0 5,233.0
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