Asset Details for: Sausage

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Trade History for Sausage (8 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
13.08.2022 19:50:14 1000 0.10000000 100.00000000 0c30a2da815802d1… abd5798eabb75b05…
15.05.2022 01:27:54 2 1.00000001 2.00000000 9a8a33b86fa38898… f939c67b9a300d61…
15.05.2022 01:27:54 50 1.00000000 50.00000000 12f603cb5f7f59c4… 730ef3923698ec89…
16.03.2022 21:52:46 100 2.00000000 200.00000000 e4e0fc572b05e5b0… 942f2ed72c08e7ad…
24.12.2021 20:09:19 5 50.00000000 250.00000000 fd39f520a8be2856… c6f2c75a62702374…
20.12.2021 16:26:22 1 500.00000000 500.00000000 010427d22c87e0de… 3e3c20231667431a…
19.12.2021 11:18:46 3 1.00000001 3.00000000 5833f0ccf595f68a… f939c67b9a300d61…
19.12.2021 08:54:52 1 1.00000001 1.00000000 599a8722a01e5a2b… 292daef617784913…
Total: 8 Trades 1,162.0 1,106.00000006
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