Asset Details for: instnatdex

All asset details, price & quantity, bids & asks, trades, shareholder and all other assets
Asset Name: instnatdex
Asset ID: 3409894739104869659
Issuer ID: 1851251684777827604
Issuer Transaction: 3409894739104869659
Shareholder Analysis: Shareholder of instnatdex
Quantity: 10,000,000
Decimals: 1
# of Trades: 2
Trading Volume (24h): 0 NXT
Trading Volume (30d): 0 NXT
Last Trade Price: 20.0 NXT
Bid Price: 0 NXT
Ask Price: 26.5 NXT
Open Bid Orders: 0
Open Ask Orders: 5
Last Trade Date: 24.05.2014 10:39:02
InstantDEX Quantity: 1'000'000 Asset Decimals: 0 There are a total of 1 million InstantDEX assets. The goal of InstantDEX is to offer realtime trading of NXT, NXT assets and other cryptos. It will earn fees from commissions on the trades. By keeping costs low by using a decentralized infrastructure, it is expected to be able to distribute approximately half of revenues to asset holders. please refer to for up to date details

Sell instnatdex for NXT - Open Buy Orders (0 Bids)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
Total: Bids 0 0

Buy instnatdex with NXT - Open Sell Orders (5 Asks)

Account Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT
NXT-F9AN-M7CJ-X9AX-3R9EM 120.0 26.5 3180.0
NXT-F9AN-M7CJ-X9AX-3R9EM 180.0 29.0 5220.0
NXT-F9AN-M7CJ-X9AX-3R9EM 508.0 30.0 15240.0
NXT-F9AN-M7CJ-X9AX-3R9EM 900.0 31.0 27900.0
NXT-F9AN-M7CJ-X9AX-3R9EM 1000.0 32.0 32000.0
Total: Asks 148.5 83,540.0

Trade History for instnatdex (2 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in NXT Total in NXT Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
24.05.2014 10:39:02 100.0 20.0 2000.0 2634733973440160232 4025272895742690699
15.05.2014 16:12:14 100.0 31.0 3100.0 5071375320615947448 1745319921723428789
Total: Trades 200.0 5,100.0
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