Asset Details for: Kitty

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Trade History for Kitty (6 Trades)

Date Quantity Price in IGNIS Total in IGNIS Ask Order ID Bid Order ID
12.12.2019 11:46:43 1000.00 0.00050000 0.50000000 42bf1f0a3aa34919… 13b20f6d247008f2…
09.12.2019 14:34:46 2000.00 0.00010000 0.20000000 6d75e86f1e0311e4… 395508d0defcef79…
16.04.2018 13:14:04 1000000.00 0.00001000 10.00000000 c2b1c710fe5cf13d… debd795019ba12ac…
27.03.2018 20:46:34 50.00 0.01000000 0.50000000 71420375c12c075a… def73eed68f31905…
13.03.2018 06:59:40 100000.00 0.00010000 10.00000000 7b40b56969875e65… 48634622850cce52…
11.03.2018 15:06:27 10000.00 0.00100000 10.00000000 7ad773143ec580f6… 9dec46d2c4fe46de…
Total: 6 Trades 1,113,050.0 31.2
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